The State Legislature, The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela And Kid Protections In Radio Broadcast

What’s The Deal With The Budget?
Jordan Schrader of the Tacoma News Tribune reports on the latest happenings in Olympia.
The Legacy Of Nelson Mandela
Robert Taylor, former dean of Seattle's St. Mark's Cathedral, was born and raised in South Africa. He bore witness to the breakdown of apartheid. He reflects on the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela.
Radio Retrospective: Protecting Kids
Parents worried about what children heard on the radio, just like they worry about television, movies and video games today. During radio’s heyday, it was estimated that there were 1,500 murders a week on the air. As a result, strict guidelines were put in place for kids' shows. Did they work?
Recommended Eating
Food writer Sara Dickerman recommends a lunch spot and a cookbook.