What we need to be teaching girls and society about sex

For her new book, “Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape,” Peggy Orenstein conducted ongoing, in-depth interviews with dozens of young women. The result is an honest picture of the sex lives of women 15-20 years old.
It’s a landscape marked by sexual objectification and myth, the influence of porn, the prevalence of rape, mixed cultural messages and our failure to educate and talk to young people about sex. Orenstein weaves in expert advice in an effort to promote a renewed respect for young women and a healthier, more positive sexual culture in America.
Orenstein is the best-selling author of “Cinderella Ate My Daughter” and “Waiting For Daisy.” She spoke with Town Hall Seattle’s program director Katy Sewall on April 20. Anna Tatistcheff recorded their conversation.
Please note: This recording contains language of a sexual nature about sexual education.
Web Exclusive: Listen to the full version of this talk below