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Jadenne Radoc Cabahug


  • caption: Travelers waiting for flights at SeaTac International Airport.

    The summer of 'revenge travel'

    If you tried to book a flight, or a hotel, or even a campsite this summer, you probably discovered people are doing a LOT of traveling. It's the reason why everything from flights to Maui, to a rental car in Seattle is extortionate right now. And it's also taking a toll on destinations like National Parks. We talk with Seattle Times travel writer Christy Karras to learn more about 'revenge travel' and its impacts.

  • caption: Jonathan Lee, age 3, looks outside his window from his home in Renton, Washington, on June 16, 2020, while his two siblings David and Noel play with their parents in the living room. Behind them, their grandparents wash the dishes and look for a snack in the pantry.

    Outside looking in: Photos of families during Covid-19 quarantine

    The coronavirus pandemic has us cooped up inside, spending a lot of time alone, or with a small group of people. RadioActive’s Jadenne Radoc Cabahug set out to photograph what that looks like for KUOW. In her Renton neighborhood, she captured images of neighbors, and her own family members, through their windows.

  • caption: On popular social media platforms like TikTok, teenagers post videos warning other teens of trafficking tactics. But sometimes these tactics aren't true.

    Teens are warning each other about sex trafficking on TikTok. Here’s why the videos could do more harm than good

    On a single day in King County, an estimated 300 to 500 children under the age of 18 are sex trafficked, according to the Seattle organization Real Escape from the Sex Trade (REST). The dangers of getting forced into sex trafficking are something that everyday teenagers are warning each other about online. But the information shared in videos is often misleading — and it may keep us from recognizing the real risks.

  • caption: Grace Lambert (left) and Lukas Illa (right) are youth activists in Seattle.

    'They're so complacent.' What these youth activists say about grown-ups

    When a group of K-12 students confronted Senator Dianne Feinstein for not supporting the Green New Deal, she put up her dukes. "I've been doing this for thirty years," Senator Feinstein said. "I know what I'm doing. You come in here and say, it's my way or the highway. I don't respond to that." Local youth activists Lukas Illa and Grace Lambert weren't surprised by this reaction, and sat down with RadioActive's Jadenne Radoc Cabahug to share their experiences.

  • caption: RadioActive youth producers Kamil Saad (left) and Jadenne Radoc Cabahug (right) identify as Lebanese American and Filipino American respectively. They started wondering why they feel the need to identify with countries at all.

    Why does it matter where I'm 'really' from?

    People often find ways to identify with and exclude others. We categorize ourselves by using gender, class, race and even age to connect with people like ourselves or separate ourselves from others. As a society, why are we more comfortable questioning our sexuality than our nationality and ethnicity?

  • caption: The author as a baby, held by her grandmother, Roselie Isturis.

    Am I less Filipino if I can't speak Tagalog?

    My grandma taught me everything I needed to know, including how to speak Tagalog. But as I grew older, she stopped teaching me Tagalog. Now, I worry that I am losing my language.

  • caption: On the one month anniversary of the Parkland shooting, students at Raisbeck Aviation High School in Tukwila held a walk out. A student's sign quoted the words of Parkland student Emma Gonzalez who spoke out against current gun policies.

    Back to school in the age of school shootings

    The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida sparked a youth movement for change across the nation. In part two of our School Shootings in America podcast, we speak to teens in Seattle to see how they’ve been inspired to take action, and why this event was different than the ones before. Why now? What inspired these students to get involved in one of the nation’s most controversial policy debates, and what keeps them going?