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caption: Change your ways, o ye of hot water overuse.
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Change your ways, o ye of hot water overuse.

Take a page out of Captain Planet’s book: when it comes to saving the earth, people want to feel like the power is theirs. The murky ecosystem of below the fold online advertising. The cold, soggy winter ahead. And: who gets into which colleges, and why?

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Could you, like, not?

Seventeen tips for saving the environment! Great, amirite? But according to Grist’s Kate Yoder: “Want some eco-friendly tips? A new study says no, you don’t.”

Misleading ads, masquerading as news you can trust

“Try this one weird trick to purge fat from your colon!” The suspect ads (and attendant unpleasant imagery) that you may see at the bottom of news websites are an annoyance at best. At worst, they can be yet another source of political misinformation. Researchers Franzi Roesner and Eric Zeng from the UW Computer Science and Engineering School are studying that.

Wetter weather is upon us

It’s a La Niña year! What does that mean for the snowpack? For the 2021 wildfire season? For your poor beleaguered socks? We asked state climatologist Nick Bond.

Jeff Selingo, Who Gets In and Why

While this is a fall like no other, students are still applying to college. So the eternal question remains, and Jeff Selingo asks it in his new book Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions.

Why you can trust KUOW