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Google workers in Seattle join global walkout responding to sexual harassment claims

Hundreds of Google employees in Seattle and Kirkland walked out of work today protesting the company's handling of sexual harassment claims.

It was one of dozens of walkouts at Google campuses around the world, after a New York Times report found the company had quietly paid male executives millions of dollars in exit packages.

Organizers of the walkouts are urging the company to be more transparent and make these cases public.

"It's not only Google's problem," said Sonya Alexandrova, a software engineer for Google Maps, "it's all tech's problem. But I really hope we can start here and fix it here and maybe that will spread."

Alexandrova said she's encouraged to see how many workers walked out and wants to see prompt action from Google.

"This is a cause that everyone unites for and there's just no way they can ignore that," she said.

Among their demands, employees want guaranteed equal pay, a public report on sexual harassment, and a representative on the company's board.

"The outrage is significant enough that if they don't respond, this will just keep happening and people will walk out again and again if need be," Alexandrova said.

caption: Sonya Alexandrova says she was disgusted to learn about Google's actions but was not surprised.
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Sonya Alexandrova says she was disgusted to learn about Google's actions but was not surprised.
KUOW PHOTO/Casey Martin
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