Is apathy creep enabling corruption in this Eastern Washington town?

Small town corruption. Protections for domestic violence survivors. How to fix our broken school system. Wolves and humpbacks are both rebounding in the Pacific Northwest: one is much more celebrated than the other.
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Wapato scandal
Mayors incarcerated for corruption, city administrations being sued – while you might be forgiven for thinking this is Chicago, the municipality in question is a tiny town called Wapato. It’s about 20 minutes outside Yakima; Crosscut’s Central Washington reporter Emily McCarty has the story.
Domestic violence and rental properties
If you rent your apartment, chances are excellent that you’ve done some minor repairs when moving out – a coat of paint, some patching up of holes in the wall. But what if the damage is bigger than that – and a result of domestic violence? A proposed bill would keep victims of domestic violence from having to foot the bill. Xochitl Maykovich is political director with Washington Community Action Network.
Natalie Wexler, The Knowledge Gap
Journalist Natalie Wexler says our education system is all wrong and getting worse. Her new book is called The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System—And How to Fix It.
Colville wolf killings
Hours before a trial that would affirm their right to live, four wolves in a pack in Colville were slain by the state. They’re an endangered species, and should be protected all over the state: except when they kill the livestock of farmers who graze their herds on public lands. The Seattle Times’ Lynda Mapes has been covering the politics of wolves since their comeback.
Humpback whales
And speaking of comebacks: humpback whale populations are rebounding in the Puget Sound. KUOW correspondent Tom Banse reports.