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One website to aggregate them all: COVIDWA makes finding available vaccines that much easier

caption: Bellevue firefighter Ryan Armstrong, right, administers the first dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for Hai Pham, left, an employee at the Optimus Family Home on Friday, February 5, 2021, in Bellevue.
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Bellevue firefighter Ryan Armstrong, right, administers the first dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for Hai Pham, left, an employee at the Optimus Family Home on Friday, February 5, 2021, in Bellevue.
KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer

A group of retired engineers made a website for finding vaccine availability across Washington. How the Swinomish Tribe is leading climate restoration efforts. And our weekly conversation with Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Individual segments are available in our podcast stream or at www.kuow/org/record.

Finding available vaccines is a gauntlet. Software engineers built a solution

Even if you're eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, the process of actually finding and getting an appointment is anything but easy. After searching through a catalog of websites, you may still be out of luck when you call to check for availability. If only all that information was in one place! Bill Radke speaks with George Hu, a retired Microsoft software engineer and project manager, and the creator of, a website that aggregates COVID-19 vaccine availability across the state.

The Swinomish Tribe is leading the charge on local climate restoration

Native Americans are frequently the first to experience the effects of climate change. After a 2007 storm inundated the Swinomish Reservation on Fidalgo Island, the Tribe began a climate change initiative that's since inspired similar action from 50 tribes across the United States. Bill Radke speaks with Amy Trainer, the Environmental Policy Director for the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, about how the Tribe is leading the way on climate restoration efforts.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan 2.18

Mayor Jenny Durkan joins Bill Radke for their weekly conversation, including discussion on gender in Seattle's political offices, homelessness on Mercer Island, and a recent shooting by Seattle Police at the waterfront.

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