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KUOW 2020 Source Diversity for Broadcast Features and 'The Record'

“Value diversity. Be inclusive and equitable. Seek a multitude of perspectives and experiences. Practice fairness. It is imperative to our journalism, the decisions we make and the culture we create.” — From KUOW Core Values Statement

At KUOW, we believe it is imperative to prioritize the inclusion of diverse voices on our platform. Since 2015, KUOW has tracked the diversity of sources in our local broadcast features and on our midday local news magazine, The Record, in order to better understand how we’re representing our community and to push for improvement.

This year, we are publicly sharing our source diversity data for the first time, and plan to do so every year going forward as part of our commitment to transparency and accountability.

During 2020, 48% of sources for local news features self-identified as people of color and in 57% self-identified as women or non-binary. On The Record and Week in Review, 27% of guests self-identified as people of color and 52% self-identified as women or non-binary.


This data reflects sources for our local broadcast features and midday show. Local broadcast features are the longer, local pieces you'd hear during Morning Edition and All Things Considered — in-depth stories, investigations, profiles and more. This data does not include sources for things like our hourly newscasts or breaking news stories. The data from The Record and Week in Review reflects every booked guest on the show for live or pre-taped interviews. It does not include hosts or guest-hosts.

In order to track this data as accurately as possible, we ask sources to self-identify. (Sources may decline.) In the coming year, we will expand source tracking into more kinds of stories to gain a deeper picture of our source diversity across platforms.


This work is directly related to our core values. If we are to value diversity, it is not enough to rely on our own perceptions of it. We must measure and analyze how we're doing in order to hold ourselves accountable and push for improvement. Since 2017, we have set annual goals for source diversity and monitor our progress monthly.

While increasing the diversity of the voices you hear in our stories is vitally important, it is only one component of our broader work towards becoming a more inclusive and equitable organization. Like many organizations, we are examining and transforming every aspect of our work and way of doing things in pursuit of racial equity. It's hard, sometimes uncomfortable work — and it is never complete. As journalists and as a public service, we must always strive to grow, adapt, and shine a light on where more work is needed.