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Are June weddings on this year? It’s dicey.

caption: Will they or won't they? (Allow gatherings of more than 50 people in time for summer weddings, that is.)
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Will they or won't they? (Allow gatherings of more than 50 people in time for summer weddings, that is.)

On the plus side: if they are, the mayor might be available to officiate. Clinical trials of an antiviral drug that shows promise. A look at the US-China relationship during a pandemic. How well are you and your neighbors staying at home? And another Voice of the Pandemic.

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Mayor Jenny Durkan 4.30

One caller is having a wedding June 6th – or is she? Questions on group gatherings, and the revelation that she is an ordained officiant, out of the Reverend Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Remdesivir trials

Dr. Helen Chu, who was at the forefront of identifying COVID-19’s arrival in the Puget Sound, is one of several researchers leading clinical trials of Remdesivir. It’s an antiviral that was developed to fight Ebola and never used, but the nation’s infectious disease head Dr. Anthony Fauci says it shows promise here.

US-China relationship

What will happen if the war of words worsens between Washington and Beijing? We asked David Bachman, who teaches US – China relations at the University of Washington’s Jackson School of International Studies.

Is Washington actually staying at home?

Disregard all of the performative hashtags. How true is #WeGotThisWA: are people really staying home as ordered? Not so much, says Lei Zhang, director of the Maryland Transportation Institute at the University of Maryland. A survey of cell phone data shows Washingtonians venturing ever further afield.

Voices of the Pandemic: Jamie Tom

And another Voice of the Pandemic: nurse practitioner Jamie Tom, who works with the Seattle Indian Health Board.

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