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Are we prejudiced against our future selves?

caption: Author Ashton Applewhite.
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Author Ashton Applewhite.
Courtesy Celadon Books.

Embrace that rocking chair. The argument on nuclear power isn’t as cut and dried as it seems. And following this weekend’s crash, Boeing 737 Max 8s have been grounded in countries around the world – but not here.

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Ashton Applewhite, This Chair Rocks

If you’re lucky, you’re going to get old. It’s better than the alternative. And yet aging is a source of anxiety for many in our society, especially for women. Writer Ashton Applewhite says the sooner we kick that attitude, the better: for our health, for our peace of mind, and for the thriving of a multigenerational society. Her new book is called This Chair Rocks: a Manifesto Against Ageism.

Nuclear power in WA

Zero carbon emissions requires a shift toward carbon neutral energy sources – one of which is both efficient and controversial. Nuclear power has been a key part of just about every energy proposal that would eliminate or sharply cut emissions, but there’s a lack of consensus on whether Washington State should open more plants. Drs Edwin Lyman and James Conca, of the Nuclear Safety Project with the Union of Concerned Scientists and UFA Ventures respectively, discuss.

The Boeing 737 Max 8 is grounded

The European Union has just grounded all Boeing 737 Max 8 airplanes. They join a growing list of jurisdictions that have grounded the plane or banned it from their airspaces. But the FAA hasn’t called for it to stop flying in the US – should they? Andrew McIntosh from the Puget Sound Business Journal has been following the story.

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