As a second shutdown sets in, tempers fray

From business owners to elected officials, the same question: “How long will we have to keep doing this?” What changes to the eviction moratorium could look like for Washington renters. And what the 46th presidential administration will find when they find themselves before the federal courts.
King County Executive Dow Constantine 11.17
We keep hearing that the vast majority of Washingtonians are doing exactly what they should – and yet coronavirus cases spiral upwards. Governor Jay Inslee has called for another shutdown, with vast social and economic implications. Bill Radke spoke with King County Executive Dow Constantine about that and other topics in their weekly chat.
David Kroman on changes to the eviction moratorium
The eviction moratorium is scheduled to end at the end of this year. There are talks underway that might scale it back even sooner; renters would need to demonstrate that their hardship was due to COVID-19. But that can be easier said than done, and implementation could be a sticking point, says Crosscut’s David Kroman.
What will the court system look like for the next four years?
After hamstringing president Obama’s nominations for years, a Republican Senate during the Trump administration has packed the Supreme and federal courts with conservative judges (including in Washington’s 9th Circuit). How will that affect the state and region? Elizabeth Porter is associate dean at the University of Washington Law School, and a former clerk for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.