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A woman who promotes medical misinformation is running for Valley Medical hospital board in south King County

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A candidate who spreads medical misinformation online is running to serve on a public hospital commission in Renton.

Katie Bachand is a doula who helps women with childbirth. She is now running to serve on the board of a public hospital — Valley Medical Center in Renton.

She’s running because “I'm action oriented and conservative."

Bachand spreads medical misinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic online, often commenting about vaccines and masking.

In one post, she wrote, "Covid was never about a virus, it is getting us the accept a shot that changes our dna. This is all factual and from the Bible- no conspiracy ideas...."

She has promoted the drug ivermectin as a Covid treatment — an anti-parasite drug often used for deworming pets and humans. Ivermectin has gained popularity among anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theory circles. But its effectiveness against Covid-19 is highly questionable. The company that produces the deworming drug, Merck, has also issued a statement against the use of ivermectin for Covid.

caption: Medical misinformation shared online by a candidate for King County Public Hospital District 1 Commissioner Position 4.
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1 of 3 Medical misinformation shared online by a candidate for King County Public Hospital District 1 Commissioner Position 4.

Bachand spreads much of this misinformation via Facebook, though her account is set to private and such posts are not visible to the general public. KUOW was able to view some of the posts.

“Watch as he explains gene therapy," Bachand wrote in one post pointing to a video of a sermon titled “The Gene War.” "Covid was never about the virus, it is getting us the accept a shot that changes our dna. This is all factual and from the Bible – no conspiracy ideas …”

The conspiracy theory that Covid vaccines change your DNA has frequently been debunked.

Another post implies that face masks have parasites. Another jokingly refers to Nazis in relation to showing proof of vaccination. Another encourages workers to defy vaccine mandates.

And another questions if there is any proof a pandemic exists at all, stating “And there’s your first lesson in mind control. It doesn’t matter if it’s Satan, COVID, or the idea your vote counts…” The post concludes: “You’re living through a psy-op, not a pandemic.”

Bachand also attended Donald Trump's "stop the steal" rally on January 6.

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Bachand is unwilling to discuss any of her posts on Facebook or her political life.

“My views on mandates or mask wearing are not relevant,” she said, arguing that's because her sole focus as a commissioner would be on fiscal issues like the hospital's budget and levy rates.

Bachand's opponent is Monique Taylor-Swan union board member with SEIU 775 and a home care aide with Washington's Department of Social and Health Services.

“I think that that's a threat to health care. You're not vaccinated, nor wearing a mask. You're putting everyone at risk. And you just may be putting more people at risk with the decisions that you're making.”

Taylor-Swan has a progressive agenda. Among her top issues if elected: proper staffing levels and more equitable pay. Also, a focus inclusion and equity.

The candidates are running for King County Public Hospital District 1 Commissioner Position 4.

caption: The emergency entrance at Valley Medical Center in Renton, Washington, as seen on Google Maps.
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The emergency entrance at Valley Medical Center in Renton, Washington, as seen on Google Maps.
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