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Karen Finneyfrock's Monstrous Spring

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Photo Credit/Inti St. Clair

A Metro bus ride inspires poet, novelist and teaching artist Karen Finneyfrock to find a delightfully surprising personification for Northwest springtime in her poem "Monster."

The poem was originally published in the anthology "What to Read in the Rain: An Anthology of Writing from 826 Seattle" (826 Seattle, 2011).

Finneyfrock's young adult novel, "The Sweet Revenge of Celia Door," was published by Viking Children's Books in 2013. She's a former writer-in-residence at Richard Hugo House, and teaches with Writers in the Schools.

You can also hear poems from Finneyfrock's 2010 poetry collection, "Ceremony for the Choking Ghost" (Write Bloody Publishing): "Her Body Becomes a Hospital" and "The Man on Television."

Her reading was recorded April 12, 2013 in the KUOW studios.

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