Marjorie Manwaring's "Church Camp-Out, 1978"

Marjorie Manwaring's first full-length poetry collection "Search for a Velvet-Lined Cape."
"Summer hearts buzz like sapphire dragonflies," writes Marjorie Manwaring in "Church Camp-out, 1978," a poem that captures the particularly adolescent ability to conflate the sexual and the spiritual. The poem is part of Manwaring's collection, "Search for a Velvet-Lined Cape."
Manwaring is a Washington native who lives and writes in Seattle. Her previous publications include the chapbooks, "What to Make of a Diminished Thing" and "Magic Word." She co-edits the online poetry and art journal, DMQ Review, and is on the editorial board of Floating Bridge Press.
Her reading was recorded in the KUOW studios on March 22.