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Nays and hoorays: Seattle responds to Trump's inauguration

The day started with an inauguration viewing event at Town Hall. And Friday night, Seattle was wrapping up with a big protest at Westlake Park and another at the University of Washington.

In between ...

Art Varela from Edmonds was at the Town Hall viewing party. He voted for Donald Trump and says he got chills seeing the new president sworn in.

Also at the viewing event was UW student Emily Torjusen.

She says she's concerned about the next four years but wants to hear what the other side has to say.

Across the country, Aubrey Gelpieryn of Woodinville saw the inauguration in person. She’s a journalism student in Washington, D.C.

She had asked for inauguration tickets back in October, when she thought Hillary Clinton would win.

The tickets came through last month, and Gelpieryn decided to go.

After watching Donald Trump take office, she says America needs dialogue.

Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison was also there on the National Mall for Trump’s inauguration speech.

Later in the day, hundreds gathered for protests on Capitol Hill and at Judkins Park, then joined up to march downtown. They got thumbs-up from bystanders and people on passing buses, even children at a day care center.

At Westlake Center, James Watkins held up an unusual protest sign.

He said he had some big worries about the new administration, chief among them the environment and health care.

Also at the Westlake protest was Merci Lopez, a student at Seattle Central College who plans to transfer to Washington State University.

She said she also was concerned about what Trump might do in office, especially on climate change and race relations.

Later Friday night on the University of Washington campus, protesters scuffled with people waiting to enter a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos, who works for the conservative website Breitbart.

He has criticized feminism and the Black Lives Matter movement and was banned from Twitter last year.

The UW College Republicans brought him to campus to a storm of opposition.

Hundreds more protesters flowed into the UW's Red Square after Yiannopoulos began speaking.

And Seattle isn't done with Trump protests.

On Saturday, thousands are expected to join the women's march, paralleling the giant march in Washington, D.C.

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