Whistles blowing in the sky

Issues of safety and image continue to dog Boeing’s 737 fleet. An attempt to make electric vehicles generate revenue. Should local lawmakers wade into issues of free speech? And Screenagers: Next Chapter.
Boeing safety concerns
Whistleblowers are making the news across all sectors this week – most recently, a whistleblower at Boeing alleged a culture of profits over safety. Aerospace journalist Eric Johnson of Reuters has been following the story.
Delaney Ruston and Laura Kastner, Screenagers: Next Chapter
Delaney Ruston is a primary care doctor and a mother, who wanted to understand the risk that smart phones and other screens pose to kids. So she made the film Screenagers. Now it’s got a companion film (Screenagers: Next Chapter); she joined clinical psychologist Laura Kastner to talk about it.
Paying at the mailbox instead of at the pump
When’s the last time you renewed your car tabs? If you’re just about to, and you have a hybrid or electric vehicle: it might cost more than you thought. Tacoma Representative Jake Fey heads the House Transportation Committee, and is the sponsor of a new $75/yr car tab fee for greener cars.
Who's allowed to speak out against Al Franken's free speech?
Former Minnesota Al Franken will speak in Seattle tomorrow at the Paramount Theatre. There’s a divide over whether or not he should – and whether elected officials should wade into the debate. Councilors Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Joe McDermott asked the theater’s management to cancel the event. ACLU of Washington’s Legal Director Emily Chiang was not a fan.