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Why is a Seattle police lieutenant condemning Chief Adrian Diaz? Take KUOW's news quiz

caption: Collage of a Seattle Police Department badge in a frying pan full of oil. A hand appears to be scraping the SPD badge and oil into a white bowl full of chili crisp that is surrounded by flames against a dark orange background. In the upper right corner, the illustration says, "OUT OF THE FRYING PAN, INTO THE CHILI CRUNCH." Photos courtesy of KUOW and Canva.
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Collage of a Seattle Police Department badge in a frying pan full of oil. A hand appears to be scraping the SPD badge and oil into a white bowl full of chili crisp that is surrounded by flames against a dark orange background. In the upper right corner, the illustration says, "OUT OF THE FRYING PAN, INTO THE CHILI CRUNCH." Photos courtesy of KUOW and Canva.

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