Won’t you be my neighbor?

The city wants to hear from your community. A look back at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff three years later. And where’s the line between truth and belief?
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Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Seattle has long had neighborhood community councils. But they wanted to expand the number of voices heard, says Director of Seattle Neighborhoods Andres Mantilla. We also spoke to Natalie Curtis, president of the Capitol Hill Community Council and member of the city’s Community Involvement Commission.
Anthony McCann, Shadowlands
In 2016, the Bundy family capitalized on the images and fears of a disappearing Western way of life. They occupied a national wildlife refuge for over a month. Anthony McCann explored the messianic overtones of that siege in a book called Shadowlands: Fear and Freedom at the Oregon Standoff.
Philosopher David Smith
Philosopher David Smith is a speaker for Humanities Washington on the topic ‘Civil Conversation in an Angry Age.’ He spoke to Ross Reynolds about his beliefs on the subject.