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A check-in with an aquatic regional favorite

caption: An orca whale re-enters a pool after breaching in captivity.
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An orca whale re-enters a pool after breaching in captivity.

Orcas, arts, school failings, and inside Bill’s brain.

Listen to the full show by clicking the play button above, or check out one of the show’s segments below. You can also subscribe to The Record on your favorite podcast app.

Erich Hoyt on orcas

Marine conservationist Erich Hoyt’s writings inspired the movie Free Willy. He sat down with Marcie Sillman to talk about how he first became interested in the orca.

Nancy Guppy, Art Zone

The television show Art Zone celebrates its 10th anniversary this season. Nancy Guppy is its creator and host.

Azure Savage, You Failed Us

Racial disparities are a serious problem in education systems, and Seattle is no different. Azure Savage is the author of a book called You Failed Us: Students of Color Talk Seattle Schools.

Davis Guggenheim, Inside Bill's Brain

From the outside, Bill Gates is a highly successful founder, technologist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. But what if you could look inside his head? Davis Guggenheim is the director of the documentary Inside Bill’s Brain.

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