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Interim Seattle Schools superintendent selected: Brent Jones

caption: Stevens Elementary School in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood.
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Stevens Elementary School in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood.
KUOW Photo/Ann Dornfeld

The Seattle School Board has chosen a candidate to serve as interim superintendent for the next year after Denise Juneau steps down.

The board selected Brent Jones as its top choice for temporary schools chief, pending a contract negotiation and final vote.

Jones has had leadership roles in the district before, and several board members sang his praises. He had been executive director of Organizational Development for Equity, Strategy and Partnership, and left that position in 2019 for King County Metro.

Jones said he would continue the district’s equity work, but with a focus on community engagement and power-sharing.

“Students will have an absolute voice at our table," Jones said. "What will be new is that we will actively seek principals' guidance to see what their needs are to have those positive impacts inside our schools. And educators will be consulted early and often because we know that the magic is in the classroom.”

Board member Leslie Harris voted no, saying that while she highly respects Jones and considers him a friend, the nomination process feels rushed and lacks the community engagement Jones has said will be his hallmark.

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