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‘More guns than people': America’s firearm culture

Thom Hartmann is an author and progressive radio host. He is widely-respected for his grasp of history and his ability to tie historical references to debates on current affairs.

Hartmann started a new series with his latest book “The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment.” In this talk, he reviews the history of gun regulation in United States and frames the debate that took place between the founders.

He charts the role guns played in the genocide of Native American and the killing and repression of African Americans. He then argues that the intent inherent in the concept of “a well regulated militia” was warped in relatively recent years, resulting in an epidemic of gun violence.

In conclusion, he offers solutions to our seemingly intractable cycle of gun deaths.

Town Hall Seattle presented Thom Hartmann on June 23, as part of their Civics Series. KUOW’s Jennie Cecil Moore recorded the event. KBCS News Director Yuko Kodama introduced the talk.

Please note: This recording contains themes and discussion of gun violence.

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