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Make art and put it in your yards and windows, Seattle asks residents

caption: Mark Siano's teddy bear decorates the front porch of his home, ready for #artdisplays4homestays
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Mark Siano's teddy bear decorates the front porch of his home, ready for #artdisplays4homestays
photo @ Mark Siano

Washingtonians have been sheltering in place since mid-March; we’ve gotten used to everything from online school to Zoom happy hours.

Local artists also have become more skilled at migrating their output to various streaming platforms. Here are three weekend online cultural opportunities.

Seattle’s Office of Arts and Culture is encouraging residents to make public artworks at home, anything from a poster for your front window to a sculpture for your front yard. Post a photo of your creative output with the hashtag #artdisplays4homestays.

Seattle visual artists will create another stream of public art that will be displayed around the city via yard signs, like the ones used for political campaign ads. Check them out online: #seattletogether.

Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood is a center of the city’s cultural life. This weekend you can catch the Capitol Hill Streaming Arts Festival, featuring everything from a virtual block party to dance videos to literature. The events will be streamed live and via video. Festival passes are free, but you can also buy a pay-what-you-will ticket, all proceeds for the Artist Trust Covid-19 relief fund.

Pacific Northwest Ballet will offer a free streamed performance of Alejandro Cerrudo’s “One Thousand Pieces, starting at 7 this evening.” The video was recorded in mid-March and will be available for five days starting May 1. PNB plans to offer weekly online performances at both its Facebook page and its YouTube channel.

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