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'They betrayed us, stabbed us in the back.' Seattle Kurds protest U.S. withdraw from Syria

Seattle's Kurdish community protested Turkish military strikes in Syria and President Donald Trump downtown this weekend.

On Sunday Kurds, with a group of supporters, marched from Westlake Park to the Turkish Commercial Attache.

There they chanted "Turkey is ISIS!" and duct-taped protest signs to the front door.

"It's time for us to be heard. Enough is enough," said Taban Abdulkadr from northern Iraq. "All our people are being killed."

caption: Taban Abdulkadr and her son, Abdullah, named after Abdullah Öcalan, a founder of the Kurdistan Workers' Party.
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Taban Abdulkadr and her son, Abdullah, named after Abdullah Öcalan, a founder of the Kurdistan Workers' Party.
KUOW PHOTO/ Casey Martin

Kurds in Seattle are horrified by the reports of civilian Kurdish deaths in Syria, and also upset with Trump for pulling roughly 1,000 U.S. troops from the fight.

"They betrayed us, stabbed us in the back," Abdulkadr said of the Trump Administration.

Delvene Saeed, whose family is from Turkey, brought her two young sons to the rally. Saeed said she's thankful her family is not is direct danger but it is important to show solidarity for Kurds who are affected.

"I have two kids and seeing lots of kids on the floor in the middle of the streets dead and just... innocent people being killed for no reason," she said.

"Even if it was my family or wasn't my family it's the same role," she said. "Kurds, we're literally all one. We unite together."

Saeed and Abdulkadr were among the 200 or so who called for the U.S. to stand by the same Kurdish allies who have helped fight ISIS.

"I don't think that anybody else will ally, team-up with America anymore," Abdulkadr said. "Nobody trusts them."

Trump says pulling troops is necessary, calling the conflict between Turkey and the Kurds an "endless war."

caption: Kurdish protesters taped signs to the front door and windows of the Commercial Attache of Turkey on Sunday, October 13th, 2019.
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Kurdish protesters taped signs to the front door and windows of the Commercial Attache of Turkey on Sunday, October 13th, 2019.
KUOW PHOTO/ Casey Martin
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