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'Two for two.' Attorney General Ferguson savors his latest win

caption: Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson prepares to talk to the media about a federal judge's ruling on the Trump refugee order Friday, Feb. 3, 2017.
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Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson prepares to talk to the media about a federal judge's ruling on the Trump refugee order Friday, Feb. 3, 2017.
KUOW photo/Amy Radil

President Trump’s immigration ban will remain on hold.

A three-judge panel unanimously denied the federal government’s appeal to reinstate parts of the executive order barring immigrants and refugees of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the country.

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson is savoring the moment.

“It was a wonderful day after Judge Robart’s decision, I’m not sure what could top that, but it’s really an excellent day for the rule of law,” Ferguson said, speaking at a press conference Thursday after the ruling was released.

Ferguson received his first good news last Friday, after federal district court Judge James Robart temporarily blocked the ban. The federal government appealed, arguing the President has "unreviewable" authority when it comes to matters of national security.

But the appeals court rejected that. Such a claim, the judges wrote, runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy.

Within minutes of the court’s ruling, the president tweeted “See you in court. The security of our nation is at stake!”

To which Ferguson responded, “We’ve seen him in court twice. And we’re two for two.”

But the case isn’t about winners and losers, Ferguson said. At the end of the day, it’s about constitutionality of the travel ban itself. That question will be argued in the weeks to come.

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