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Could now be the time to consider a post-social media future?

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Since Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter officially went through back in October, Twitter has been in the news a lot.

All the controversy has left a lot of people asking — is it time to jump the Twitter ship?

And at this point, you’ve probably made your choice — you’ve left the platform, or you’re sticking around.

Maybe you’ve jumped to one of the social platforms that are vying to become the next Twitter. There’s Substack, Mastodon, Hive, Post — the list goes on and on, and you probably don’t know a single thing about them.

Lots of people are working at this very moment to create the next social media platform to consume our time and attention, but there’s at least one person who believes that the age of social media as we know it is over.

And he’s OK with that.

"I think it’s fundamentally bad," says Ian Bogost, a contributing writer for The Atlantic.

Bogost recently published a piece called "The Age of Social Media is Ending."

"When I make this argument, that there’s something structural with social media that’s bad for us, people object, they say, ‘Well you know, there are whole communities that wouldn’t have a voice if they didn’t have access to social media. Look at Black Lives Matter, look at #MeToo,’ and they’re right," Bogost said. "And I’m not saying those things are bad or that they shouldn’t have happened, they also can happen by other means, but most importantly, they’re the exceptions."

Soundside host Libby Denkmann talked to Bogost about why he thinks now is the perfect time to imagine life without social media, and what it'll take to get people to buy into that vision.

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