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What does the new climate bill mean for Washington state?

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Climate scientists say it’s now or never for governments to reassess their energy policies, before it’s too late to make a difference.

The U.S. is looking at doing just that. Earlier this month, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes almost $370 billion in climate provisions that could change how we get our energy.

That’s a lot of money, and a really broad spending category. But what exactly is in the new climate bill? And will those investments actually bring us any closer to addressing climate change in an impactful way?

Soundside host Libby Denkmann spoke to Dr. Kim Cobb, director at the Institute at Brown University for Environment and Society about what the new climate bill means on a national and international level.

We also reached out to members of Washington state's solar industry and an environmental justice organization to hear what these climate provisions mean for their work in the Pacific Northwest.

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