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Whitney Henry-Lester

Podcast Producer


Whitney is a podcast producer at KUOW. She helped develop some of KUOW's first podcasts, including How's Your Day? and Second Wave.

Whitney has a degree in film, but she has spent most of her career producing and editing audio stories. She has also worked with StoryCorps, The Third Coast International Audio Festival, 99% Invisible, and

She once ran an audio artists residency from her apartment in Lima, Peru.

Location: Tacoma

Languages: English, Spanish

Pronouns: she/they


  • caption: Glass orbs glow in Etsuko Ichikawa's Poems of Broken Fireflies.

    A glassy gift shines a new path

    In a small clear box, Etsuko Ichikawa keeps a small piece of vitrified glass that was given to her on a tour of the Hanford nuclear site.

  • caption: Tomo and his favorite miso.

    A flavor creates harmony

    Tomo Nakayama usually puts his creative energy into his harmonious music. But when the pandemic hit, he found a new outlet: cooking.

  • caption: Anida Yoeu Ali, The Red Chador, Paris 2015 Performance.

    A garment unveils an identity

    A chador garment worn by some Muslim women is usually black. Not Anida Yoeu Ali's. Her chador is red and sparkly.

  • The Blue Suit Logo

    Introducing The Blue Suit

    In a world full of stuff, what is worth keeping? What do we treasure? Explore modern-day heirlooms with The Blue Suit, a new KUOW podcast hosted and created by PNW poet Shin Yu Pai.